FREE TRAINING - Just 30 minutes! Instant Access

How to Get Clients and GROW your business
with podcast guesting in 60 Days

Get the growth strategy that brought me clients over the last four years WITHOUT depending on social media 🙌🏼

Excited to show you how...

If you aren't reaching as many people as you want or you're feeling burnt out, you're missing what I share in this training...and don't worry, it has nothing to do with algorithms.


What others say about my coaching

Wish you could get MORE clients with less time on social media?

What if you could walk away from Instagram for days and still grow your business?

How about building a community you LOVE, where you have impact and enjoy marketing along the way?

YES...this IS possible.
And it's
easier than you think

Watch free training now!

In this training, I'll show you:

  • WHY so many entrepreneurs & creators are rushing to podcasts to grow sales and build community
  • The pitching strategy my client Paula used to get on a podcast in less than 24 hours even as a new business owner!!!!
  • Ways podcast guesting takes LESS time than social media and delivers BETTER results
  • What you really need to get on a great show (it's NOT a big audience or tons of experience)
  • How to be a powerful podcast guest so that listeners become buyers (even from small shows!)
  • My simple method to successfully pitch ANYONE to make selling feel easier (on podcasts, posts, ANYWHERE)
  • STOP struggling on social media. Get in front of the RIGHT audiences and make your business known.

Wish you could get MORE clients with less time on social media?

What if you could walk away from Instagram for days and still have people asking to work with you?

How about building a community you LOVE, where you have impact, share knowledge and enjoy marketing along the way?'s possible.
And it's
easier than you think!

In this training, I'll show you:

  • WHY so many entrepreneurs & creators are rushing to podcasts to grow sales and build community
  • The pitching strategy my client Paula used to get on a podcast in less than 24 hours even as a new business owner!!!!
  • Ways podcast guesting takes LESS time than social media and delivers BETTER results
  • How to be a powerful podcast guest so that listeners become buyers (even from small shows!)
  • What you really need to get on a great show (it's NOT a big audience or tons of experience)
  • My simple method to successfully pitch ANYONE to make selling feel easier (on podcasts, posts, ANYWHERE)
  • STOP struggling on social media. Get in front of the RIGHT audiences and make your business known.

I've been there...

Hi, I'm Chardét. Top-ranked podcast host and your mentor in this training. These days 80% of my clients come from podcasts but it wasn't always this way...

Thinking about how many hours I lost to scrolling and content creation makes me want to cry 😭 But I didn't know what else to do...

I actually found podcasts by accident.

A friend invited me on her new show, I didn't think much about it and then was shocked when weeks later I had people messaging ME, because they heard my interview. (Four years later, this show still sends me clients!)

Guest interviews (and my own podcasts, became the MAIN way I sell and build community.  

Want to know what I learned?

Sign up for this training and learn how to get clients & grow in a fun, different way - no social media required!

Yes! Show me how
Podcast Launch Coach

I've been there...

Podcast Launch Coach

Hi, I'm Chardét Ryel. Top-ranked podcast host and your mentor in this training. These days 80% of my clients come from podcasts but it wasn't always this way...

Thinking about how many hours I lost to lost to scrolling and content creation makes me want to cry 😭 But I didn't know what else to do...

I found podcasts by accident.

A friend invited me on her new show, I didn't think much about it and then was shocked when weeks later I had people messaging ME, because they heard my interview. (Four years later, this show still sends me clients!)

Guest interviews (and my own shows), became the MAIN way I sell and build community.  

Want to know what I learned?

Sign up for this training and learn how to get clients & grow in a fun, different way - no social media required!

I'll share all of this with you:

How to Find the Right Shows

The best show is not always the biggest one, learn how to find the right niches and topics for YOUR business

The Perfect Pitch Strategy

Learn what to say to get your top pick shows (PLUS successfully pitch anyone - this approach is GOLD)

Make Your Interview Successful

Getting the opportunity is just the first step, you also want to come across confidently and inspire

Inspire people to buy

We'll talk about how to create what people WANT so they get excited about joining your community

I'll share all of this with you:

How to Find the RIGHT Shows

The best show is not always the biggest one, learn how to find the right niches and topics for YOUR business

The Perfect Pitch Strategy

Learn what to say to get your top pick shows (PLUS successfully pitch anyone - this approach is GOLD)

Make Your Interview Successful

Getting the opportunity is just the first step, you also want to come across confidently and inspire

Inspire people to buy

We'll talk about how to create what people WANT so they get excited about joining your community

BOOST your business and stop chasing followers.

Are you ready for impact, reach and GROWTH...

without depending on social media?

YES!! Show me how!

BOOST your business and stop chasing followers.

Are you ready for impact, reach and GROWTH...

without depending on social media?


What's your experience?

I've been a top-ranking podcast host and pod guest for four years, entrepreneur for 11 and successfully pitched brands, companies and collabs for 16. My entire career has been built around messaging, sales, and visibility. It's what I LOVE most and it's also what's usually hardest for entrepreneurs. We want impact and community but we're not sure how to get them.

My real superpower though is my behavior change coaching background because I've had to study years of psychology, habit change and performance. ALL of this is very important for connecting to an audience, partners and ESPECIALLY for believing in yourself.

I'm a mentor FIRST and a business coach second because I've always been in this to help women show up POWERFULLY.

Does podcast guesting really work?

Yes! But I will tell you it's not as easy as just going on a show and hoping people will buy from you. There are key steps involved in choosing the right show for your area, carefully crafting your message and being sure to have a call to action that attracts listeners to you. This is why so many people go on podcasts and then nothing happens. It is an art but one that's definitely easy to learn. I will show you the first steps in this training.

What if I don't have a ton of followers or experience?

It doesn't matter. Podcasting is all about storytelling and connecting to an audience. And if you know how to pitch yourself correctly, you can get on even the biggest shows without a tons or experience or huge social following. (I will tell you as a pod host who has had people with millions of followers and decades of experience on my show, some of the most downloaded interviews are actually with people who have NO following and are just starting out in their work. )


What's your experience?

I've been a top-ranking podcast host and guest for four years, entrepreneur for 11 and successfully pitched brands, companies and collabs for 16.

My entire career has been built around messaging, positioning and visibility. It's what I LOVE most and it's also what's usually hardest for entrepreneurs. We want impact and community but we're not sure how to get them.

My real superpower though is my behavior change coaching background because I've had to study years of psychology, habit change and performance.

ALL of this is very important for connecting to an audience, partners and ESPECIALLY for believing in yourself.

I'm a mentor FIRST and a business coach second because my mission to help women show up POWERFULLY.

But does podcast guesting really work?

Yes! But I will tell you it's not as easy as just going on a show and hoping people will buy from you. There are key steps involved in choosing the right show for your area, carefully crafting your message and being sure to have a call to action that attracts listeners to you. This is why so many people go on podcasts and then nothing happens. It is an art but one that's definitely easy to learn. I will show you the first steps in this training.

What if I don't have a ton of followers or experience?

It doesn't matter. Podcasting is all about storytelling and connecting to an audience. And if you know how to pitch yourself correctly, you can get on even the biggest shows without a tons or experience or huge social following. (I will tell you as a pod host who has had people with millions of followers and decades of experience on my show, some of the most downloaded interviews are actually with people who have NO following and are just starting out in their work. )